Buy/sell RPG rulebooks and supplements
The purpose of this site is for sellers and buyers to list items for sale or wanted that are associated with Role Playing Game (RPG) rulebooks, supplements, minis and anything else related to RPGs in the United States.
Only listings made in the last 180 days are shown to keep the number of pages down. It assumed that listings older than this are 'stale' and the item is most likely sold.
If you have suggestions on making this site better, or need assistance in some way, send an email to the moderators.
- (v1.8) - October 1, 2024: Minor changes to interface and format of some pages.
- (v1.75) - May 4, 2024: New menu system. Updates the overall look of the site and allows for more on screen real estate.
- (v1.65) - March 10, 2024: Fine tuning new image upload system. It should work well with all devices now (desktop/laptop, smart phones and tablets)
- (v1.6) - March 3, 2024: Image upload and other UI improvements
- (v1.5) - February 22, 2024: CAPTCHA improvements.
- (v1.4) - August 18, 2023: UI and other improvements.
- (v1.3) - July 12, 2023: UI improvements. Added a bookmark system. Click the icon next to the title of a listing to put the item in or to take it out of your bookmarks list. Please note that the bookmark system is handled with cookies. In order to use it, cookies must be enabled on your browser. (They usually are unless you have specifically turned them off.) Also, if you browse the site with more than one device, your bookmark list will be different on each device.
- (v1.2) - May 11, 2023: UI improvements
- (v1.1) - Apr 8, 2023: Added price field and made other changes
- (v1.0) - Feb 7, 2023: WebP images may now be uploaded.
- (v.9) - Jan 25, 2023: Posts are scanned for URLs and if found, will make them clickable. Make sure you include http:// or https:// if you paste a URL.
- (v.8) - Jan 12, 2023: Added share icon so link to the item could be copied to clipboard.
- (v.78) - Nov 2, 2022: UI Improvements and enhanced meta tags for sharing.
- (v.75) - Oct 26, 2022: Added cookie consent bar.
- (v.7) - Oct 23, 2022: UI improvements.
- (v.65) - Dec 15, 2021: Bug fixes and improvements.
- (v.62) - Aug 30, 2021: EXIF 'orientation' value is taken into account when uploading images so they are rotated correctly in the listing. This should avoid upside down or sideways images, as long as your photos have EXIF data embeded in them (which they should if they've been taken by a modern smart phone or digital camera).
Uploaded image size increased to 7mb. - (v.6) - Aug 25, 2021: Search feature added and 'About' page updated. The search looks at the title, body and location fields. You can enter only part of a word ('lamb', for example, will return listings that have 'lambretta' in them), or you can search for a phrase, such as 'rear rack', or 'Los Angeles'.
- (v.5) - Aug 20, 2021: To boost performance, especially on mobile devices, images on the home page are now smaller in file size, and 'lazy' image loading is used.
- (v.4) - Aug 14, 2021: Made mobile experience more friendly.
- (v.3) - Aug 12, 2021: Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- (v.2) - Aug 9, 2021: Added ability to upload multiple images in a listing. Shift-select or control-select multiple images in the window that pops up when you click 'choose files'. You can upload up to four images. Each image can be a JPG/JPEG, PNG, or GIF.
- (v.1) - Aug 7, 2021: Initial release. v1.8 •
© 2023-2025
Current server time: 2025-02-23 03:49:33 am
© 2023-2025
Current server time: 2025-02-23 03:49:33 am